Mental Fitness: Change Your Mindset, Change Your Life; Part 1

Feeling good is the key to changing unwanted conditions to wanted conditions. Be sure to read the 10 ways you can begin feeling better beginning right now!

In previous posts, you learned that it’s important to change your thoughts, paradigms and beliefs in order to develop a Positive Mindset, access your Sage and become your true essence, which is your most positive, authentic, and unconditionally loving self.

That’s because the most important reason for changing your thoughts and beliefs is so that you:

  • Can feel better. Feeling good is the key to changing unwanted conditions to wanted conditions.

  • When you feel better, your energy level rises, which enables you to access your Wise Mind or Sage Brain.

  • Experiencing positive feelings, no matter what the condition, is where the magic happens.

The good news is that you don’t have to change any condition to feel better, you just have to feel better!

To do this, change your feeling state first before imagining how you want your life to be.

11 Steps to feel better beginning now:

  1. Stop focusing on or thinking about anything that brings you down or is unwanted.

  2. Recognize that the only purpose of unwanted conditions or negative thoughts and emotions, is to warn you about how you are flowing your energy. It is neither good nor bad.

  3. Jump start good feelings with a facial smile.

  4. Smile until you feel a warm fuzzy feeling of a gentle inner smile.

  5. DO some mindfulness nuggets, such as noticing your breath as you breathe in and out, or rubbing your hands together while focusing on the sensations of touch. Whenever we are focused on our bodies, we are able to stop thinking of negative thoughts.

  6. Next, find something else, anything else, to think about to feel even a tiny bit better than you did before engaging in this exercise.

  7. It’s usually easier to think about an unrelated thought to the situation as long as the emotion that the thought engenders is positive (i.e. an upcoming vacation, the cuteness of your grandchildren, or the love of a pet).

  8. Make that thought-switch immediately! (In less than 17 seconds)

  9. Stay with that new thought-picture until you feel your mood change.

  10. Once you feel your mood switch to the positive, then and only then focus on what you want.

  11. Hold the positive mood and positive focus for as long as possible, preferably at least 68 seconds.

Practice these 11 steps at least four times a day to build up your Mental Fitness. Realize with every ounce of your being that with consistency and persistency, success is assured.


Mental Fitness: Change Your Mindset, Change Your Life; Part 2


Stopping Beliefs that Stop You - Part 2