Stopping Beliefs that Stop You - Part 1

Before changing beliefs, it’s important to know what beliefs are and how they have been created.

How Beliefs are Formed:

  • Beliefs get created by what we see and by what we are told by important people in our young childhood (usually our parents).

  • We form our beliefs by what has occurred in our lives and by what we thought had occurred, or our perceptions.

  • These beliefs come from our Survival brain, which resides in the lower back of our heads. They were originally formed to help us survive when we were too young to take care of ourselves. Any negative emotion comes from this part of the brain. According to Positive Intelligence, there are ten “saboteurs” from which all negative beliefs originate and reside.

What Are Beliefs:

  • Beliefs are a group of similar thoughts that are accepted without question and shape our view of reality.

  • They are formed by the collection of our most prevalent thoughts that we have come to believe are indisputably and absolutely true, whether or not they are.

  • They are the stories that we tell ourselves in order to make sense from our experiences.

  • Beliefs inform us about how the world works.

  • Beliefs make up our stories about ourselves, about what we can and cannot do in life.

What Are the Effects of Beliefs:

  • Because beliefs are thoughts that are believed to be true, beliefs can and do run our lives, often without our consciously knowing it.

  • We interpret what is occurring in the present as well as what is possible in the future by what has happened to us in the past and how we felt about it.

  • Our brains scan the environment for what is similar, and our minds interpret what is in the environment according to what happened before; in other words, by what we believe.

  • We only notice what we are searching for, and don’t notice what does not fit into our picture of the truth.

  • Beliefs determine our sense of self-worth, and how we react and act in our lives.

  • Beliefs determine the degree of success we have - our health, relationships, finances, and what our lives entail.

In order to change:

  1. Your present way of being and perceiving the world

  2. Your reactions as well as your actions

  3. Create a new way of being

You need to:

  1. Become aware of the beliefs you hold

  2. Determine whether or not they are serving your truest Sage self

  3. Reframe disempowering beliefs into empowering ones, thereby developing a Positive Mindset to meet all of life’s challenges.

For assistance in discovering dis-empowering beliefs that you may have, click here (link) for my list of the most common negative beliefs.

After discovering what your dis-empowering beliefs are, do you want to change them? Watch for my next post!


Stopping Beliefs that Stop You - Part 2


How to Effectively Utilize Affirmations (Positive Self Statements) to Create a Positive Mindset