The Key to Reinventing Your Life: CHANGE YOUR THOUGHTS, CHANGE YOUR LIFE!!! Part 3
The Key to Reinventing Your Life: CHANGE YOUR THOUGHTS, CHANGE YOUR LIFE!!! Part 3
This post is the 9th in a series of posts offering specific ways you can begin your journey to life reinvention. We’ve also created a powerful guide, available for free download, called The Truest Life Roadmap. This Roadmap will be instrumental in helping you take action now toward a reinvented life. This is a free resource, so grab yours now!
More Ways to Change Your Thoughts
Thoughts gather energy. How? Just by thinking more about that particular thought.
Ever have an argument with someone and the more you think about it, the more upset you become? Conversely, the more you think about a happy thought, such as a new love, the happier you become.
That’s because the same part of the brain that holds memory is the same part of the brain that holds emotion. Consequently, a memory of an event will trigger the same emotional reaction as the one you originally had.
The Thought Cycle: To stop an unhelpful thoguth from becoming stronger:
When you have a thought you don’t want to dwell upon, STOP it between its first occurrence and its ongoing occurrences; that is, before it gathers Energy. You can do this by telling yourself to STOP, to DELETE, or to CANCEL that thought.
However, we cannot Not think! To stop that thought, focus all your awareness on using one of your five senses. You can rub your hands together with such intensity that you become aware of the ridges on your fingers. Or you can notice the temperature of the air as you breathe in through your nose and out through your mouth. Or you can intensely look at an object and become aware of all the colors and textures. The more we focus on the use of our senses and what we’re feeling in our body, the more we can stop the negative thought spiral.
Once you have neutralized the negative emotions and thoughts, focus on something that helps you feel good, perhaps a way to empathize with yourself or someone else, or a thought that helps you feel empowered.
By creating another more empowering thought, you eliminate the original disempowering or negative thought because:
It’s absolutely impossible to simultaneously have two opposing thoughts.
Here’s a fun illustration to Change a Thought:
Think about anything BUT a pink elephant with purple spots.
(What did you see? Of course, a pink elephant with purple spots because our brains don’t understand a negative command.)Now, every time you think of that pink elephant with purple spots, tell yourself to relax, breathe deeply, pay attention to your breath or to your feet on the floor.
Next, think about a blue and green giraffe instead.
Can you do it? Of course you can - because no one but YOU can determine what to think.
With more and more practice, the shorter and shorter the time between thinking of the elephant and then thinking of the giraffe will become. Keep on practicing, and you’ll switch to the giraffe almost immediately.
It’s like anything – the more practice, the more it becomes second nature - like learning to ride a bicycle or drive a car. After a while, you no longer have to consciously think about how to keep your balance on a bike or negotiate a sharp turn in a car. It comes naturally.
So will changing your thoughts. Keep practicing and Reinvented Positive Life… here you come!